A Wide Selection of Fireplaces to Choose From

With the current loadshedding and electricity shortage issues not coming to an end anytime soon, South Africans are turning to alternative options to generate heat in their homes and work around daily power cuts. If you are looking for a supplier of fireplaces in the Western Cape or Gauteng, Home Fires is your answer! With a modernistic or vintage fireplace in your home, you can generate heat without the need for electrically powered appliances or the interruption of daily loadshedding!

The Ideal Location for a Fireplace

Home Fires offers a variety of fireplaces to choose from – covering built-in and freestanding fireplaces to accommodate your needs. We feature open, closed slow-combustion, and gas powered options to match your requirements and allow you to get the perfect choice for your home. If your home already has a dedicated wall cavity and chimney, you can consider the built-in units to be installed there. Otherwise, a freestanding unit can be installed in a large and properly ventilated room.

Home Fires also features double-sided fireplaces that can act as room dividers for large living rooms/areas in your home. Our range of gas-powered units is normally installed in outdoor areas but are also safe for specific indoor applications. Our vent-free gas fireplaces do not require dedicated ventilation, as these fireplaces do not generate nearly as much smoke as a wood/coal counterpart. Therefore, they are ideal for homes that have access to gas and feature solid ventilation throughout the room/area where you want to install them.

Real-Fyre Gas Logs

When buying a gas-powered fireplace, Home Fires offers 3 options for the gas grate: standard white pebbles, black pebbles that imitate charcoal, and Real-Fyre gas logs that imitate wood. Our range of Real-Fyre gas logs is detailed with high-definition bark designs and natural colours for an authentic aesthetic. These log sets include an oxygen depletion sensor and are certified by the LP Gas Association of South Africa to ensure safe and vent-free operation. Offering a safe and efficient solution, Real-Fyre gas logs are the perfect all-round solution to a realistic and aesthetically pleasing gas grate for a vent-free gas fireplace.

When you need a supplier of fireplaces in Gauteng and the Western Cape, Home Fires is your first choice! Feel free to browse our website for details on our available units and where you can locate our showrooms, and beat the woes of loadshedding this upcoming winter with Home Fires on your side!

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