Open Fireplaces for Sale in South Africa

Are you in the market for an open fireplace for your home in South Africa? Home Fires is your solution! We offer a sensible selection to choose from that includes built-in and freestanding options. These fireplaces can be an ideal fit for your home and give you the means to generate heat in your home without the need for electricity. In this article, we discuss a couple of our options and what you can expect from these models for your home.

The 700 Economaster Built-In Open Fireplace

If you are looking for an affordable open fireplace that delivers quality and workmanship in its build, the 700 Economaster built-in fireplace is your ideal fit. This unit includes a fire grate, a grid, and an ashpan. The unit is properly vented and can house either wood or anthracite charcoal fires. It can generate heat for a room volume of up to 110 m³ and has a vertical flue pipe exit to vent the generated smoke through the roof.

The 700 Deep Built-In Fireplace

The 700 Deep built-in open fireplace is ideal for a deeper wall cavity fit. This unit includes a fire grate, an ash drawer, a built-in damper system, a natural convection system, insulation material, touch-up paint, and a guarantee-certificate to deliver a holistic unit. It can generate heat for a room volume of up to 120 m³ and features a vertical flue pipe exit for proper venting through the roof or chimney.

The 850 New Shape Stainless-Steel Trim Built-In Fireplace

When it comes to our selection of open fireplaces, this new shape 850 built-in fireplace delivers a stainless-steel façade that fits modern homes. It features all the necessary components of an open fireplace and includes a guarantee-certificate as well to speak to the quality and workmanship of the unit. It can generate heat for a room volume of up to 140 m³ and can house wood or anthracite charcoal fires. The unit is properly vented as well to ensure that the fire is sustainable and does not suffocate.

Home Fires is your first choice when you want to buy an open fireplace for your home In South Africa. We also offer a selection of braais and closed slow-combustion fireplaces, as well as vent-free gas fireplaces to ensure that you can find the ideal fit for your preferences. Feel free to browse our website for details on our available units and contact us today if you have any enquiries about any of our braais or fireplaces.

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