Do you want to warm up your home this Winter? Home Fires is your first choice when it comes to open, closed slow-combustion, and gas fireplaces for your home! We offer a wide variety of fireplaces to suit your needs, giving you plenty of options to fit your personal style and the interior design of your home. Our range of fireplaces can also save you money on your monthly utility bill, as they do not require electricity to generate heat.
Open Fireplaces for My Home
Some homes have dedicated wall space for a fireplace or braai. If your home has a wall cavity and chimney, our range of built-in fireplaces is ideal for your preferences. We also offer freestanding units that do not require a wall cavity. Our 800 Economaster freestanding fireplace offers a simplistic, affordable, and versatile solution for homeowners. This unit runs on wood or anthracite coal and has a 3,6-mm vertical flue pipe that routes through the roof or sidewall of the room in which you want to install this fireplace.
Closed Slow-Combustion Fireplaces for My Home
A closed slow-combustion fireplace delivers a different approach to fireplaces. With the option to close the face of the fireplace, it can generate heat over extended periods by regulating the airflow inside the sealed unit with interior fans. Therefore, the fire will burn longer and be more efficient in comparison to an open fireplace. It is also a safer option for rooms that do not have proper ventilation. Our range of slow-combustion fireplaces in a selection of Dovre units as well, delivering modernistic and vintage designs to enrich your home and draw attention.
Gas Fireplaces for My Home
Gas fireplaces do not need direct ventilation as they generate a drastically reduced amount of smoke in comparison to fireplaces that are fuelled with wood or coal. With a gas-powered unit, you will add a modern touch to your home that can generate heat during the colder winter months without causing a noticeable spike in your electricity bill. We also offer a selection of gas grates that include the standard white pebbles, coal grates, and Real-Fyre gas logs that imitate wooden logs.
If you are looking for a solution to save electricity and beat the winter cold, even during loadshedding, Home Fires is your solution! Feel free to browse our website for details on our available products and order yours today. We also sell helpful accessories to accommodate the installation process and ensure that you can make the most of your fireplace in your home.