Gas Braais: A Modern Braai for a Modern Home

In a world where cleaner and more efficient energies should be applied when- and wherever they can be applied, we see a resurgence of gas-powered fireplaces and braais being introduced to modern homes. Using gas to cook food is nothing new – as most older homes and farm homes still have gas-powered stoves and cooking tops. Most commercial restaurants also use gas-powered appliances to cook food – since you have complete and immediate control over the temperatures.

If you want a gas braai for your home, but do not know where to start looking or what to choose, Home Fires has you covered. Not only do we sell a variety of different gas braais, but we also sell installation accessories to go along with your braai. Let’s discuss the different types of gas braais that we have for sale to give you a better idea of what to look for and where to begin your search.

Finding the Perfect Gas Braai

  • Gas Griller Braais: If you want a gas braai that you can install on a countertop and/or underneath a cooking hood, we have a sensible selection of gas griller flat tops that can fit such a bill. Dependent on your available space, you can choose between a 2-,3-, 4-, or 5-burner flat top to match your specific needs.
  • Built-in Gas Braais: Living in a modern home usually implies that you have modern appliances. Such appliances can include gas-powered fireplaces and braais. If you want a built-in gas braai for your home, our selection will certainly intrigue you. Our range of built-in gas-powered braais can also be a feasible option for Lapas and verandas as well if you want an outdoor braai unit for your home.
  • Combo Braais: At Home Fires, our range of combo built-in braais combines a gas braai with a conventional braai to give you a unit that can do it all. With such a braai, you can achieve 3 flavour profiles and ensure that everyone can enjoy their food with their preferred profile when having friends and family over. With a combo braai, you can take advantage of the immediate and accurate temperatures that can be reached with the gas burner flat top, as well as enjoy a conventional option with wood or charcoal.

Home Fires is your answer when you want to buy and install a gas braai in your home. Please browse our website for details on our available gas braais that we have for sale and contact us today if you have any questions.

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